Results for 'Kai Erik Trost'

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  1. (1 other version)Mood and language-game.Erik Stenius - 1967 - Synthese 17 (1):254 - 274.
  2. Non-Normative Logical Pluralism and the Revenge of the Normativity Objection.Erik Stei - 2020 - Philosophical Quarterly 70 (278):162–177.
    Logical pluralism is the view that there is more than one correct logic. Most logical pluralists think that logic is normative in the sense that you make a mistake if you accept the premisses of a valid argument but reject its conclusion. Some authors have argued that this combination is self-undermining: Suppose that L1 and L2 are correct logics that coincide except for the argument from Γ to φ, which is valid in L1 but invalid in L2. If you accept (...)
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  3. Is it possible to measure happiness?: The argument from measurability.Erik Angner - 2013 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 3 (2):221-240.
    A ubiquitous argument against mental-state accounts of well-being is based on the notion that mental states like happiness and satisfaction simply cannot be measured. The purpose of this paper is to articulate and to assess this “argument from measurability.” My main thesis is that the argument fails: on the most charitable interpretation, it relies on the false proposition that measurement requires the existence of an observable ordering satisfying conditions like transitivity. The failure of the argument from measurability, however, does not (...)
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    Philosophische Grammatik.Erik Stenius, Ludwig Wittgenstein & Rush Rhees - 1971 - Philosophical Quarterly 21 (85):376.
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    (2 other versions)Philosophische Bemerkungen.Erik Stenius, Ludwig Wittgenstein & Rush Rhees - 1966 - Philosophical Quarterly 16 (65):371.
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  6. Are subjective measures of well-being ‘direct’?Erik Angner - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (1):115-130.
    Subjective measures of well-being—measures based on answers to questions such as ‘Taking things all together, how would you say things are these days—would you say you're very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy these days?’—are often presented as superior to more traditional economic welfare measures, e.g., for public policy purposes. This paper aims to spell out and assess what I will call the argument from directness: the notion that subjective measures of well-being better represent well-being than economic measures do (...)
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  7. How Probabilistic Causation Can Account for the Use of Mechanistic Evidence.Erik Weber - 2009 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 23 (3):277-295.
    In a recent article in this journal, Federica Russo and Jon Williamson argue that an analysis of causality in terms of probabilistic relationships does not do justice to the use of mechanistic evidence to support causal claims. I will present Ronald Giere's theory of probabilistic causation, and show that it can account for the use of mechanistic evidence (both in the health sciences—on which Russo and Williamson focus—and elsewhere). I also review some other probabilistic theories of causation (of Suppes, Eells, (...)
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  8. Economists as experts: Overconfidence in theory and practice.Erik Angner - 2006 - Journal of Economic Methodology 13 (1):1-24.
    Drawing on research in the psychology of judgment and decision making, I argue that individual economists acting as experts in matters of public policy are likely to be victims of significant overconfidence. The case is based on the pervasiveness of the phenomenon, the nature of the task facing economists?as?experts, and the character of the institutional constraints under which they operate. Moreover, I argue that economist overconfidence can have dramatic consequences. Finally, I explore how the negative consequences of overconfidence can be (...)
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    Is Mathematics a Domain for Philosophers of Explanation?Erik Weber & Joachim Frans - 2017 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 48 (1):125-142.
    In this paper we discuss three interrelated questions. First: is explanation in mathematics a topic that philosophers of mathematics can legitimately investigate? Second: are the specific aims that philosophers of mathematical explanation set themselves legitimate? Finally: are the models of explanation developed by philosophers of science useful tools for philosophers of mathematical explanation? We argue that the answer to all these questions is positive. Our views are completely opposite to the views that Mark Zelcer has put forward recently. Throughout this (...)
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    Explaining, understanding and scientific theories.Erik Weber - 1996 - Erkenntnis 44 (1):1 - 23.
    One of the functions of scientific knowledge is to provide the theories and laws we need in order to understand the world. My article deals with the epistemic aspect of understanding, i.e., with understanding as unification. The aim is to explicate what we have to do in order to make our scientific knowledge contribute to an increase of the degree to which the particular events we have observed, fit into our world-picture. The analysis contains two parts. First I define the (...)
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    The Diversity of Meaning.Erik Stenius - 1966 - Philosophical Review 75 (2):265.
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  12. It's all very well for you to talk.Erik Cw Krabbe & Douglas Walton - 1994 - Informal Logic: Reasoning and Argumentation in Theory and Practice 15:79-91.
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    Noncumulative dialectical models and formal dialectics.Erik C. W. Krabbe - 1985 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 14 (2):129 - 168.
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    The Science of Chinese Buddhism: Early Twentieth-Century Engagements.Erik J. Hammerstrom - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    _Kexue_, or science, captured the Chinese imagination in the early twentieth century, promising new knowledge about the world and a dynamic path to prosperity. Chinese Buddhists embraced scientific language and ideas to carve out a place for their religion within a rapidly modernizing society. Examining dozens of previously unstudied writings from the Chinese Buddhist press, this book maps Buddhists' efforts to rethink their traditions through science in the initial decades of the twentieth century. Buddhists believed science offered an exciting, alternative (...)
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    Incidental Findings in the Era of Whole Genome Sequencing?Erik Parens, Paul Appelbaum & Wendy Chung - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (4):16-19.
    The rise of technologies that can inexpensively sequence entire genomes means that researchers and clinicians have access to ever vaster stores of genomic data, some of which could be of great use to research participants or patients, and most of which, at least for today, will be of little, uncertain, or no use. Those facts are essential features of a new ethical territory we are now entering with genetics research. As we explore that territory, we should try to be as (...)
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  16. Conceptual tools for causal analysis in the social sciences.Erik Weber - 2007 - In Federica Russo & Jon Williamson, Causality and Probability in the Sciences. College Publications. pp. 197--213.
  17. The Correspondence Between Descartes and Henricus Regius.Erik-Jan Bos - 2002 - Dissertation, Utrecht University
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  18. Skapat liv och livets värde.Erik Persson - 2017 - In Jessica Abbott & Erik Persson, LIV – Utomjordiskt, Syntetiskt, Artificiellt. Lund, Sverige: Pufendorfinstitutet. pp. 219-237.
    Om människan någon gång kommer att få förmågan att skapa nya livsformer, hur kommer det att påverka livets värde? Detta är en fråga som kan vara en källa till oro när man diskuterar konstgjort liv, men är oron befogad? I ett försök att svara på den frågan kommer jag att gå igenom några möjliga skäl till varför förmågan att skapa konstgjort liv skulle hota livets värde, och se om de verkligen ger oss skäl att oroa oss.
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    Rich, White, and Vulnerable: Rethinking Oppressive Socialization in the Euthanasia Debate.Erik Krag - 2014 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 39 (4):406-429.
    Anita Silvers (1998) has criticized those who argue that members of marginalized groups are vulnerable to a special threat posed by physician-assisted suicide (PAS) and voluntary active euthanasia (VAE). She argues that paternalistic measures prohibiting PAS/VAE in order to protect these groups only serve to marginalize them further by characterizing them as belonging to a definitively weak class. I offer a new conception of vulnerability, one that demonstrates how rich, educated, white males, who are typically regarded as having their autonomy (...)
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    Inconsistent Commitments and Commitment to Inconsistencies.Erik C. W. Krabbe - 1990 - Informal Logic 12 (1).
    Inconsistent Commitments and Commitment to Inconsistencies.
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    Note on a completeness theorem in the theory of counterfactuals.Erik C. W. Krabbe - 1978 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 7 (1):91 - 93.
  22. Syntax of symbolic logic and transformational grammar.Erik Stenius - 1973 - Synthese 26 (1):57 - 80.
  23. Introduction.Erik Weber, Jan Willem Wieland & Tim Mey - 2010 - Logique Et Analyse 53.
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    Neuroimaging: Beginning to Appreciate Its Complexities.Erik Parens & Josephine Johnston - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (s2):2-7.
    For over a century, scientists have sought to see through the protective shield of the human skull and into the living brain. Today, an array of technologies allows researchers and clinicians to create astonishingly detailed images of our brain's structure as well as colorful depictions of the electrical and physiological changes that occur within it when we see, hear, think and feel. These technologies—and the images they generate—are an increasingly important tool in medicine and science.Given the role that neuroimaging technologies (...)
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    A Formal Analysis of Diagnosis and Diagnostic Reasoning.Erik Weber & Dagmar Provijn - 1999 - Logique Et Analyse 165:61-180.
  26. Did Hayek commit the naturalistic fallacy?Erik Angner - manuscript
    In promoting spontaneous orders – orders that evolve in a process of cultural evolution – as “efficient,” “beneficial,” and “advantageous,” Friedrich A. Hayek (1899-1992) has often been attributed the belief that there is something desirable about them. For this reason, he has been accused of committing the naturalistic fallacy, that is, of trying to derive an “ought” from an “is.” It appears that Hayek was..
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    Comparative Causation at Multiple Levels and Across Scientific Disciplines.Erik Weber & Leen De Vreese - 2017 - Axiomathes 27 (6):667-683.
    In this paper, we analyse the fruitfulness of Ronald Giere’s comparative model for causation in populations. While the original model was primarily developed to capture the meaning of causal claims in the biomedical and health sciences, we want to show that the model is not only useful in these domains, but can also fruitfully be applied to other scientific domains. Specifically, we demonstrate that the model is fruitful for characterizing the meaning of causal claims found in classical genetics, epidemiology and (...)
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    Rhythmic entrainment as a mechanism for emotion induction by music: a neurophysiological perspective.Wiebke Trost & Patrik Vuilleumier - 2013 - In Tom Cochrane, Bernardino Fantini & Klaus R. Scherer, The Emotional Power of Music: Multidisciplinary perspectives on musical arousal, expression, and social control. Oxford University Press. pp. 213.
  29. Wittgenstein's Picture-Theory: A Reply to Mr. H.R.G. Schwyzer.Erik Stenius - 1963 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):184-195.
    The author presents a rejoinder to mister schwyzer, arguing against\nschwyzer's claim that the author's view of wittgenstein's theory\nof language in the 'tractatus' is mistaken. (staff).
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    Else Barth.Erik C. W. Krabbe - 2016 - Argumentation 30 (3):341-343.
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    Peripheral neuropathy via mutant tRNA synthetases: Inhibition of protein translation provides a possible explanation.Erik Storkebaum - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (9):818-829.
    Recent evidence indicates that inhibition of protein translation may be a common pathogenic mechanism for peripheral neuropathy associated with mutant tRNA synthetases (aaRSs). aaRSs are enzymes that ligate amino acids to their cognate tRNA, thus catalyzing the first step of translation. Dominant mutations in five distinct aaRSs cause Charcot‐Marie‐Tooth (CMT) peripheral neuropathy, characterized by length‐dependent degeneration of peripheral motor and sensory axons. Surprisingly, loss of aminoacylation activity is not required for mutant aaRSs to cause CMT. Rather, at least for some (...)
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  32. Commentary.Erik Angner & Valerie Tiberius - unknown
    In the history of Western philosophy, questions of well-being and happiness have played a central role for some 2,500 years. Yet, when it comes to the systematic empirical study of happiness and satisfaction, philosophers are relative latecomers. Empirically-minded psychologists began studying systematically the determinants and distribution of happiness and satisfaction – understood as positive or desirable subjectively experienced mental states – during the 1920’s and 30’s, as personality psychology emerged as a bona fide subdiscipline of psychology shortly after World War (...)
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  33. Contrastive causation in genetics and in physics.Erik Weber & Inge De Bal - 2015 - Philosophica 90.
    Jonathan Schaffer has argued that a contrastive causal ontology is beneficial in juridical contexts: lawyers and judges should treat the causal relation as a quaternary relation, not as binary one. In this paper we investigate to what extent a contrastive causal ontology is beneficial in genetics and in physics. We conclude that it is beneficial in these scientific domains. We also point out that the nature of the benefit differs in the three context that we discuss. Key words: Contrastive causation, (...)
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    Micro-explanations of laws.Erik Weber & Helena De Preester - 2005 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 84 (1):177-186.
    After a brief introduction to Kuipers' views on explanations of laws we argue that micro-explanations of laws can have two formats: they work either by aggregation and transformation (as Kuipers suggests) or by means of function ascriptions (Kuipers neglects this possibility). We compare both types from an epistemic point of view (which information is needed to construct the explanation?) and from a means-end perspective (do both types serve the same purposes? are they equally good?).
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    Living with the Ancient Puzzle.Erik Parens - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (s2):50-52.
    We began this special report by suggesting that neuroimaging technologies are tools that can, when used carefully and in conjunction with the other tools of neuroscience and psychology, help illuminate the capacities and behaviors that constitute our minds. In the course of this special report we have called attention to some basic points that are worth remembering as we encounter more and more claims about human psychology that are based on evidence from imaging technologies like fMRI.
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  36. Butler and Smith's ethical and theological framing of commerce.Erik W. Matson - 2022 - In Jordan Joseph Ballor & Cornelis van der Kooi, Theology, morality and Adam Smith. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Scientific Explanation. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989. Philip Kitcher and Wesley Salmon (eds.).Erik Weber - 1992 - Philosophica 49.
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    Comment on Fuhrman and kaukonen.Erik Allardt - 1988 - Social Epistemology 2 (1):61 – 66.
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    How economists work and think.Erik Angner - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (2):247-248.
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    Fully Informed Reasonable Disagreement and Tradition Based Perspectivalism.Erik Daniel Baldwin - 2016 - Bristol, CT: Peeters-Leuven.
    Apparently, people who are aware of the relevant facts and experiences in a belief forming situation, sometimes reasonably disagree about whether to believe and why. This study argues that such disagreements are possible, and that some purportedly fully informed reasonable disagreements are genuine, including cases involving disagreement about which beliefs about God are reasonably taken to be properly basic, given the facts of religious diversity and cases in which phenomenologically similar religious experiences properly ground a variety of religious beliefs. Drawing (...)
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  41. In Sandra Lapointe (ed.), Philosophy of Mind in the Nineteenth Century: The History of the Philosophy of Mind, Volume 5. Routledge (forthcoming).Erik C. Banks (ed.) - forthcoming
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  42. Russell's hypothesis and the new physicalism.Erik C. Banks - 2009 - Proceedings of the Ohio Philosophical Association 6.
    Bertrand Russell claimed in the Analysis of Matter that physics is purely structural or relational and so leaves out intrinsic properties of matter, properties that, he said, are evident to us at least in one case: as the internal states of our brains. Russell's hypothesis has figured in recent discussions of physicalism and the mind body problem, by Chalmers, Strawson and Stoljar, among others, but I want to reject two popular interpretations: 1. a conception of intrinsic properties of matter as (...)
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    The Correspondence between Descartes and Henricus Regius.Erik-Jan Bos - 2002 - Dissertation, Utrecht University
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    Phenomenology of the Relation between National and Cultural Identity in Croatian Society.Erik Brezovec - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (2):415-426.
    This paper aims to analyse the phenomenology of the interdependence of national and cultural identity in Croatian society and present how the empowerment of national and cultural identity in the Croatian society generates an individual expression of being Croatian. To be able to speak about this process, it is essential to define the relationship between cultural and national identity in the Republic of Croatia. A duality of influence characterises this relationship. Cultural identity is an essential element of the construction of (...)
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  45. Omnium-gatherum. Philosophical Essays Dedicated to Jan Österberg on the Occastion of his Sixtieth Birthday.Erik Carlson & Ryszard Sliwinski (eds.) - 2001 - Uppsala Philosophical Studies.
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    Var Sokrates hedonist? – Hedonismeargumentet i Protagoras.Erik Christensen - 2007 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 42 (3):187-198.
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    Those damned geese again (petronius 136.4).Erik Hamer - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (01):321-.
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    Context, as well as inputs, shape decisions, but are people aware of it?Erik G. Helzer & David Dunning - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (1):30-31.
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    Ethical Artificial Intelligence in Chemical Research and Development: A Dual Advantage for Sustainability.Erik Hermann, Gunter Hermann & Jean-Christophe Tremblay - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (4):1-16.
    Artificial intelligence can be a game changer to address the global challenge of humanity-threatening climate change by fostering sustainable development. Since chemical research and development lay the foundation for innovative products and solutions, this study presents a novel chemical research and development process backed with artificial intelligence and guiding ethical principles to account for both process- and outcome-related sustainability. Particularly in ethically salient contexts, ethical principles have to accompany research and development powered by artificial intelligence to promote social and environmental (...)
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    Infanticide and Human Self Domestication.Erik O. Kimbrough, Gordon M. Myers & Arthur J. Robson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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